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Writing Pencil Sample Pack 2.0

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About This Product
New and improved! This deluxe dozen of pencils from Japan's heavyweight manufacturers features a nice range of options for writing. You can try one of each at a special bundle price & see which ones you might want in greater quantity. Or, you can just write with a different pencil every day!
Each of these pencils is made with incense cedar and top-quality graphite cores (or, in the case of the Tombow Vermilion Pencil, a wax and vermilion-pigment core). They all sharpen cleanly and allow for long points, and they all outperform the pencils used by American students.
The erasers work cleanly; the marks are clear and distinct; the leads don't snap suddenly or scratch the page. Those are the minimum requirements for a good pencil, and we don't carry anything that fails these tests. The rest is a matter of taste, and that's where the Sample Pack comes in. Find out which of these premium pencils suits you best:
Mitsubishi 9850 HB
Mitsubishi 9852 HB
Mitsubishi 9852 B
Mitsubishi 9800 "Virus Block" HB
Mitsubishi 9852 EW (Recycled Wood) HB
Kitaboshi 9606 HB
Tombow MONO 100 HB
Tombow MONO 100 2H
Tombow 8900 B
Tombow 8900 HB
Tombow Recycled Pencil HB
Tombow Vermilion Pencil
Mitsubishi and Kitaboshi products made in Japan. Tombow products made in Vietnam.
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St. Louis Art Supply